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Upgrade Your Cloud Storage Experience With This Alternative to Filen

Filen is a cloud storage company founded in 2020 in Recklinghausen, Germany. Like many alternative cloud storage providers, Filen aims to provide users with complete privacy for their files, securing them with zero-knowledge and end-to-end encrypted technology. If you’re interested in learning more about Filen, we’ll discuss how they focus on protecting your privacy online, their pricing, and other features.

Don't Choose a Cloud Storage Service Without Asking These 10 Critical Cybersecurity Questions

As the demand for cloud storage continues to rise, individuals and businesses alike are faced with the critical decision of choosing a reliable and secure cloud storage provider. While the convenience and accessibility offered by cloud storage are undeniable, it is essential to prioritize cybersecurity and data protection when entrusting sensitive information to a third-party provider.

More InterPlanetary File System Services Use Also Means Phishing Abuse by Cybercriminals

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a distributed file-sharing system that represents an alternative to the more familiar location-based hypermedia server protocols (like HTTPS), is seeing more use in file-storage, web-hosting, and cloud services. As might be expected, more use is accompanied by more abuse via phishing attacks.

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5 best practices for imaging hard drives

Imaging a machine with the relevant OS and disk partitions is the first step involved in OS deployment. You can either image machines that are online with applications running or machines that are shutdown. In this section we will discuss the five best practices to be followed while imaging.

Introduction to Web Application Security: Why It's Important to Keep Your Website Safe

As web applications become more complex and interconnected, the security of these applications becomes increasingly important. In this article, we will discuss web application security, why it is crucial, and how you can test your web applications for security vulnerabilities. By taking measures to secure your website, you reduce the risk of cyberattacks, protect your data from unauthorized access, and save you and your business time and money.

5 Consumer Data Protection Tips For Your SaaS Business

SaaS (Software as a Service) companies cannot function without certain consumer data. For starters, you’ll need the customers’ names and email addresses for your marketing and sales operations. And as leads turn into customers, you may also need their payment details. Now, as your company collects more consumer data, it also becomes a target for data breaches. Remember the March 2022 HubSpot security incident?

Extortion in Cloud Storage

Extortion can simply be defined as “the practice of obtaining benefit through coercion.“ Data and cloud extortion schemes occur when precious data and/or access is stolen by an attacker that promises to restore it through payment or other demands. In this article, we’ll cover some common or uncommon extortion schemes, and highlight ways to detect and avoid falling prey to demands.

Phishing Isn't Just an Email Problem... How To Protect Your Business From Phishing

Don’t panic, but phishing assaults increased by 350% since the pandemic. Phising is one of the most prevalent and effective online con games. To put the scale of the damage it causes into perspective, phishing brings in $1 trillion more a year than Walmart’s total sales. Please, remain calm! When you hear 'phishing,' your first thought that probably comes to mind is 'emails.' Phishing attacks frequently go through emails in the guise of files, PDFs, hyperlinks, and other formats.

How Do Hidden Web Trackers Put My Privacy at Risk?

Digital safety is a buzzword these days due to the ubiquity of our devices and how much we use them. As we go about our lives, whether we're on our laptops at home or out and about on our phones, we're constantly leaving digital breadcrumbs behind us in the form of data. This data is then collected and used by businesses and potentially even malicious actors to track our movements, better target us with ads or other content, or even for fraud.