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Women in Technology featuring Roopa Naidu, Senior Technical Project Manager @1111systems

"Be bold and put yourself out there. Seek support and mentorship from people willing to help you grow in your career. Having a vision for your career and going after it is crucial in this industry." - Roopa Naidu, Senior Technical Project Manager, Development At 11:11 Systems, we recognize the value of diversity and the unique contributions of our female employees. We’re pleased to feature some of our outstanding women in a series of Q&A blog posts, showcasing their experiences, insights, and impact on the tech industry.

Cyber Resilience @1111systems with Kaushik Ray, Chief Experience Officer @Sungar

"The balance of proactive and reactive measures is how you get cyber resiliency. Cyber resiliency is equal to cybersecurity plus cyber recovery." Hear from 11:11 Systems' Chief Experience Officer Kaushik Ray on what cyber resilience at 11:11 means for our customers.

11:11 Systems' CTO shares insight into Oakland's ransomware attack

The city of Oakland was victim of a ransomware attack, gaining access to city services, employee information, payroll, and more. TVU Fox 2 interviewed Justin Giardina, Chief Technical Officer of 11:11 Systems, and asked him to share insight into the cybersecurity situation.

Rethink Connected

Scaling your network to meet the demands of your growing business requires infrastructure that is up to the task. This can include multiple points of presence to deliver cloud-based solutions, and integration with your back-end systems. All of this requires thoughtful incorporation to maximize performance and built-in security to make sure your data is protected, no matter where it lives.

11:11 Systems & Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Rethink Connected

11:11 Systems’ Chief Strategy Officer Dante Orsini recently sat down with our partner Hewlett Packard Enterprise to discuss how we work together to provide leading #DRaaS solutions and deliver on the promise of cyber resiliency.

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