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Zero Trust for State and Local Government

The cybersecurity threat landscape is shifting rapidly. More than 400 ransomware attacks have hit city and county governments in the United States since 2016, crippling vital government services for weeks at a time. Those are only the publicly reported instances – the actual number is likely exponentially higher, and these attacks are growing increasingly sophisticated. Meanwhile, high-profile threats to dams, electrical grids and other facilities, including the Colonial Pipeline attack this year, have shown the vulnerability of America’s critical infrastructure.

How federal agencies can revamp their mobile security posture

Cybersecurity is an increasing concern for the federal government, particularly with a larger remote workforce to manage than in the past. Changes in the distributed nature of IT networks make it even more critical to stay ahead of newer threats like ransomware and spyware. Lookout’s Vice President for Public Sector Tony D’Angelo, in a new CyberScoop interview, highlights the importance of reprioritizing mobile device security to establish a more secure network security posture. D’Angelo explains how mobile threat defense solutions help security leaders safeguard sensitive enterprise data from cyberthreats that exploit users, apps and devices. He also highlights endpoint detection and response strategies that elevate mobile security when implementing a zero-trust architecture. Watch the full interview with Tony D’Angelo and learn more about reprioritizing mobile device security to establish a more secure network security posture.

Preventing Insider Threats in SAP SuccessFactors

In this video, we will show you how Lookout CASB provides you visibility into insider threats and privileged user activities. By using deep application awareness and intelligence, Lookout can detect various activities such as edits, exports, and other activities. We then surface this information in user-friendly and intuitive dashboards.

Preventing Data Exfiltration from SAP SuccessFactors

In this video, we will show you Lookout CASB can help your IT security team prevent sensitive data from being exfiltrated from SAP SuccessFactors. We do this by detecting sensitive data using data loss prevention (DLP) and encrypting data upon download with Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM). This ensure your data remains both inside and outside your organization.

Securing telework 2020 and beyond

Teleworking isn’t just about your home desk: it’s about mobility, agility, and security. As public and private industries shift to telework, thanks to long-term innovation and short-term necessity, it’s clear that telework is here to stay. But to what scale? This webcast explored the concepts of security and mobility within the broader telework schema. How will personal devices and other technology tools accelerate the ease of telework? On the flip side, as attackers target devices, how can organizations protect personal devices from breaches?

CASB Solution

A cloud access security broker (CASB), is cloud-delivered software or on-premises software and/or hardware that acts as an intermediary between users and cloud service providers. The ability of CASBs to address gaps in security extends across software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) environments. In addition to providing visibility, a CASB also allows organizations to extend the reach of security policies from their existing on-premises infrastructure to the cloud and create new policies for cloud-specific contexts.

Interview with a Hacker How are Attackers Targeting Mobile Devices

Every organization today utilizes mobile as a productivity tool by providing a full range of access to corporate resources for iOS and Android devices. With employees accessing O365, G Suite, Salesforce, and other services where attackers see an opportunity. Join Lookout and Eurofins to learn from the hacker's perspective.