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The Tokenised Auth

Authentication can sound simple. It's just a login form and a couple of database columns, right? Why would you need a separate identity platform to solve this? You've probably heard that you shouldn't roll your own crypto, or payments. Well, add authentication to that list. Ben Dechrai joins us to discuss the aspects of good authentication, from tokenisation to multi-factor, and dives into a few features of Auth0 that help you customise, extend, and personalise your users' experience.

DevSecOps Road Trip Netherlands stop - Nanne Baars & Brian Vermeer

Session 1: From attack to writing code...what do you need to know as a developer? We will look at a concrete attack called: "XML external entity attack (XXE)" and see how we can trace it back to writing code. The described mitigations are simple: configure your parser securely, but is it this simple? We will focus on some examples and see if we can catch the attack with tests, code reviews, etc. Nanne Baars, Developer at Xebia and OWASP WebGoat Project lead