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10 Questions for Assessing Data Security in the Enterprise

It's hard to imagine an organization today that does not rely on file servers, SharePoint or Office 365 for storing data, including valuable and sensitive information such as intellectual property and personal data. This makes these systems particularly attractive targets for all sort of attackers, from external hackers to disgruntled employees. To protect data from both external and internal threats, businesses must regularly conduct thorough data security assessments as part of their broader cyber security assessments.

Compliance Demystified

Compliance regulations are designed to provide a unified set of rules or guidelines to help IT organizations implement policies and measures that deliver the required levels of integrity, security, availability and accountability of data and operations. This white paper provides an overview of various types of IT compliance, explores their basic concepts and commonalities, and offers guidelines for implementation.

Data Privacy in 2020

Data breaches are at an all-time high, with all evidence pointing to increased data exposure. Naturally, organizations are turning to employee monitoring, insider threat detection and data loss prevention technologies to protect themselves. There is, however, some concern that these solutions may create a potential conflict with employee and consumer privacy rights. Especially, with the introduction of GDPR, CCPA and other similar laws at various stages of processing, companies around the world are being forced take a closer look at their data governance and privacy policies.

Tackling password mismanagement woes of remote employees

Remote work is here to stay, at least for the time being. IT admins now face the stiff challenge of extending IT support to employees and ensuring smooth workflows. They are now forced to minimize help desk dependency and processes in place that ensure complete security. This e-book helps IT admins do exactly that. ManageEngine's in house IAM expert writes about accessibility and security aspects of password infrastructures, and how you as an IT admin can minimize the risk of employee down-time due to password mismanagement.