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Ten Cool Things Your SIEM Should Do

A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is a security solution usedto identify, record, monitor, and analyze security events and incidents within a real-time IT environment. SIEM also centralize all the data. In addition, an effective SIEM solution must have certain capabilities to prevent colossal Data Breaches. The following sections delve into ten things that your SIEM solution should do.

SIEM Implementation Strategies

A SIEM or Security Information and Event Management is only as good as its logs. People can think of logs as the fuel for the engine. Without logs (log management), the SIEM will never be useful. Selecting the right types of logs to ingest in your SIEM is a complex undertaking. On one hand, it is easy to say “Log it all!” but you will inevitably reach the glass ceiling of your SIEM, which will either be your licensing or you will cap the performance of the SIEM hardware.