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The Fintech Sector is Under Cyber Attack - Here's How Companies Are Protecting their Data

Fintech companies – those that offer technology to support the banking and personal finance industry – are increasingly at risk of cyberattack. After healthcare, fintech is the second most frequently attacked industry, according to Alissa Abdullah, senior vice president of cybersecurity technology at Mastercard. Fintech News found that 27% of attacks target banks or healthcare.

Hoge Fenton Law Firm Drives 67% Operational Savings for Audits and Compliance with Rubrik Sonar

Hoge Fenton Jones & Appel is a multi-service law firm headquartered in Silicon Valley. As a member of Mackrell International, a premier network of independent law firms in 60 countries, the firm’s reach extends around the world. Mackrell International has been named a Top Ranked Chambers Global Leading Law Firm Network.

Commit Code Confidently with the Nightfall DLP CircleCI Orb

Nightfall Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is now available as a CircleCI orb. CircleCI orbs are reusable snippets of code that help automate repeated processes, speed up project setup, and make it easy to integrate with third-party tools. With the Nightfall DLP orb, you can scan for sensitive items and prevent developers from accidentally committing sensitive information. We’re excited to announce our launch with CircleCI and share what you can do with the Nightfall DLP orb.

Protecting data in Snowflake is easy with Nightfall's API platform

Ever since Snowflake burst onto the scene in 2014, the company and the software has been massively influential in how we all think of storing and accessing data. Snowflake reached new heights in September when they launched their IPO — at 28 million shares and $3.4 billion raised, it’s the largest software IPO in history. The higher financial profile and cash influx means Snowflake can expand its reach even further.

5 Tips for Training Non-IT Employees on Cybersecurity

In June, one research study found that the pandemic caused just over 40% of the entire US workforce to work from home full-time. Many businesses made the quick decision to allow employees to work remotely, scrambling to provide IT resources and remote-work tools on the fly. Now, many enterprises are doubling down and allowing employees to work from home for the foreseeable future.

Why Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM) has an edge over Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?

The biggest boon to enterprises is the advent of the concept of data collaboration. Effective collaboration calls for data sharing not only within an enterprise but also amongst different enterprises. This sharing of data at a granular level leads to a situation where everyone has access to all information available in the enterprise without any security.

3 Ways to Ensure Your Security Policies Survive the Transition to the Cloud

By 2025 the amount of data stored in the cloud by both governments, organizations, and individuals will exceed 75 Zettabytes – an estimated 49% of the world’s 175 zettabytes of data at that time. This trend has no doubt been accelerated by COVID, as organizations have been forced to shorten cloud migration timeframes to ensure business continuity during the pandemic.

Add DLP to Airtable with Nightfall's API platform

Airtable has proven its staying power among tech unicorns as a customizable and collaborative project management platform that empowers users to track literally anything at work or at home. When the company announced its $185 million Series D funding in September, they generated a whole new round of buzzworthy headlines. For security leaders, this means that new requests for adding Airtable to tech stacks are likely on the way.

Nightfall DLP enables customer-centric data security for one of the largest movie-ticket retailers

Just when a company thinks they’ve seen it all in cybersecurity, new challenges in data protection keep security leaders on their toes. One of the largest movie-ticket retailers discovered a need to protect sensitive data that could be shared across their productivity tools.

4 Ways CASBs Differ from Cloud DLP

CASBs have traditionally been a popular option for enterprises seeking to secure their data. Both Gartner and Forrester predict that cloud security will continue to be a growing market through the end of 2023. Gartner projections foresee a 20% increase in CASB usage at large enterprises by 2022, while according to Forrester, cloud security will become a $112.7B market by 2023.