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A Definitive List of Different Cloud Compliance Standards

Cloud security is not only good for consumers — but it’s also a requirement for businesses in many industries. Understanding compliance regulations (like GDPR) and security frameworks (like NIST) can help IT teams create strong, layered privacy and security controls and data loss prevention using a range of platforms and integrations. Here are the most common and comprehensive security standards that businesses need to know to be cloud compliant.

Discover and classify sensitive data in Amazon S3 with Nightfall's DLP Scanner

Organizations store high volumes of business-critical information in Amazon S3, such as personally identifiable information (PII), credit card information, secrets & credentials, and more. Identifying and protecting sensitive data in Amazon S3 is increasingly time-consuming, complex, and expensive, especially as your organization takes on more data.

Operationalizing Data Resiliency

Oracle databases are an integral part of modern technological infrastructure for organizations globally. They underpin high-volume digital business, perform thousands of transactions, and house an organization’s critical and sensitive information. Today’s business requirements and data-driven applications are expanding the definition of “data loss” to include data that is inaccessible to the business for a period to significantly and negatively impact it.

Bring down data storage costs by getting rid of obsolete data [Savings estimator]

Redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data refers to information housed in data repositories that is either not in use or not needed in current business operations. These are files just lying around in your data stores, adding to data storage costs.

3 must-dos for IT admins in healthcare organizations to secure patients' data and privacy

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been an increase in the volume of sensitive patient data being stored and processed by healthcare organizations. A patient’s health history, including all the treatments, procedures, prescriptions, lab tests, and scan reports, are stored in the form of electronic health records (EHRs).

8 Best Practices for Data Security in Hybrid Environments

Operating in hybrid environments can get really tricky at times. As more and more organizations are moving their sensitive data to the public cloud, the need to keep this data secure and private has increased significantly over time. While handling their valuable datasets within their respective environments, companies need to ensure utmost data security and compliance to meet the regulations set by various governments.

Secure sensitive files and data in Box with Nightfall's Box DLP Scanner

Storing files safely in the cloud is one of the foundations of remote work. File sharing platforms like Box were popular before the pandemic for their ease of use and collaboration between users anywhere in the world. Now that we’re living and working in a world where remote work is the norm, they’ve become essential pieces of digital infrastructure.

Mitigate Data Loss with Rubrik File-Level Recovery for Microsoft Azure

The SaaS-based Rubrik platform is built to protect and recover a wide variety of cloud-native workloads. For Microsoft Azure, this commonly equates to protecting Azure Virtual Machines and Managed Disks, where recovery options can range from entire resource replacement, in-region or cross-region exports (clones), and now file/folder recovery.

Ransomware Recovery: Langs Building Supplies "We've Been Hacked!"

It was 4:00 in the morning, May 20, 2021. Matthew Day, CIO of Langs Building Supplies (Langs) was excited for a long-anticipated holiday after 14 months of lockdown due to COVID-19. His wife was thrilled. His friends, ecstatic. But the day took an unexpected turn. Instead of waking up delighted to leave for his getaway, Day woke up to every CIO’s worst nightmare, the dreaded phone call: “We’ve been hacked.”

The Key to Solving Ransomware, Insiders, and Data Theft

The common theme across ransomware, insider threats, and data theft is the exfiltration of data. While threat research labs usually publish the process steps of ransomware encryption, keys, and disk clean-up, the parts about accessing the data and exfiltration are often left out. Also, one security solution does not solve the problem itself, making partner integrations vital to the success of security solution stacks.