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Introducing Rubrik Ransomware Recovery Warranty

With the rapid growth of ransomware attacks, enterprises all share the same concern: “If we get hit by ransomware, can we recover?” The reality is, when traditional security products fail and data is compromised, the stakes are high, and IT and Security teams are often left on their own. So we asked ourselves, can we give them the ultimate assurance that Rubrik will be there for them?

Three new announcements on Nightfall's products

The Nightfall blog is a knowledgebase for cybersecurity professionals with news and insights from the world of cloud security. Each week, we’re publishing new content to help you stay up-to-date on cybersecurity topics and to prepare you for the issues and threats that occur every day on the job.

Data Exfiltration: What It Is and How to Prevent It

Protecting your data is an important component of your cyber risk management plan, and one that involves a certain level of preparedness for an event like a data breach. Even the best cybersecurity efforts, however, will still fail at some point — when attackers abscond with your organization’s confidential data, either to resell it on the dark web or to post it for all the world to see.

Big Data challenges in tele-healthcare

Covid-19 pushed the boundaries of both healthcare and technology providers, and nudged people to finally embrace telehealth services. In fact, telehealth has proven to be the next frontier for the healthcare industry as it minimizes the need for in-person patient, clinic, or hospital visits which prevents overwhelming our healthcare systems. A McKinsey report shared that the use of telehealth in the US in 2021 surged 38 times compared to pre-pandemic levels.

How secure is your Zendesk instance? Find out with Nightfall's Zendesk DLP scanner

When your customers reach out for help, they send messages to your support team that likely contain personal information. Help desk ticketing systems can often harvest for personally identifiable information (PII) like email addresses and credit card numbers, while healthcare providers using ticketing systems may request protected health information (PHI) like patient names and health insurance claim numbers or phone numbers.

Why the United States Federal Government Considers Ransomware a Critical Risk to Business

At the Rubrik Data Security Summit, leaders from both the public and private sectors discussed an important topic: ransomware. Cyber threats continue to expand in both volume and sophistication with attacks growing at a rate of 150% annually. As attackers increasingly target backups, it will be even more paramount for policies and guidance from government agencies to match the security innovation of private sector businesses to mitigate the risks of this cyber pandemic head-on.

Best Practices for Securing Your Cloud Service

The popularity of cloud services has soared in recent years, as ever more companies move towards a remote or hybrid workplace model. While cloud computing comes with many benefits, it can also create new vulnerabilities that might give criminals access to your sensitive data. If your company is using cloud technology, you need to make sure that your data is secure. Keep reading to learn what threats affect cloud services and what you can do to keep your cloud safe.

Slack Security: FERPA and HIPAA Compliance

During the pandemic, healthcare and education providers scrambled to adapt to providing services remotely, using tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Zoom to continue connecting with patients and students. McKinsey tracked a spike in the use of telehealth solutions in April 2020 that was 78 times higher than in February 2020. And, by some estimates, more than 1.2 billion children worldwide were impacted by school closures due to the pandemic — some of whom were able to learn remotely.