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What Are the Benefits of Investing in Cloud Storage Security?

As more and more businesses and individuals choose to store their data online, ensuring the safety of information is becoming exceptionally crucial. According to recent statistics from the Hosting Tribunal, over 95% of IT professionals use cloud storage. This number is expected to grow steadily.

What is Malware & How to Protect Ourselves From Computer Viruses

Do you remember when viruses used to be funny and not such a big deal? Maybe a cat would constantly pop up on your desktop or you’d get spammed with hundreds of ads for male enhancement pills? Well, the early 2000s are over (yes, it’s depressing) and malware has advanced far beyond its somewhat quirky origins. Today, viruses have become extremely sophisticated and it’s difficult to know for sure if your files have been infected or not. So what is malware exactly?

Don't Become a Cybersecurity Meme: 31 Funny But Sad Security Memes About Internet Privacy

Online privacy is no laughing matter, until it is. Now, we’re very serious about fundamental human digital rights and we work day and night to make sure our users' data is wrapped up safe and sound. But that said, sometimes you need to take a step back and relax. Yes, how corporations and governments track us online is horrifying. Of course, the erosion of personal privacy and individual freedoms is worrying. And yeah, the world and the internet are in rough shape right now.