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vxIntel Joins Arctic Wolf to Boost Detection and Threat Intelligence

I’m excited to announce that vxIntel, a leading provider of cyber threat intelligence has joined Arctic Wolf. vxIntel’s Malware Intelligence Platform currently analyzes over 500,000 files each day and over 10 terabytes of data each month from over 100 global data sources.

Challenge Accepted Podcast - Finding Your First Job in Cybersecurity

Security is a journey, not a destination. Every organization — no matter their size or age — should be constantly working to level up their cybersecurity. It’s the kind of process that can be continually reworked, reevaluated, and honed as organizations grow and evolve, and as the cyber threat landscape changes. The question, of course, is where to start?

Recent Phishing Attack Highlights How Hacks Are Changing

Hackers are getting smarter, and phishing is becoming more sophisticated. Most employees know that when an email comes in from a random address, rife with misspellings, and credentials or other private data demands, it’s absolutely a phishing scam. But what if, as an employee, you got a text to update your Okta credentials? What if the link took you to a domain that looked just like your Okta login?

How Zero-Days Work And Why They Aren't Going Away Anytime Soon

Few security exploits are the source of more sleepless nights for security professionals than zero-day attacks. Just over Memorial Day weekend, researchers discovered a new vulnerability enabling hackers to achieve remote code execution within Microsoft Office. Dubbing the evolving threat the Follina exploit, researchers say all versions of Office are at risk.

Five Ways To Evaluate the Strength of Your Security Awareness Program

Today, many organizations have a security awareness program of some kind. Whether it’s annual compliance training or the orientation video warning new employees about phishing, it’s almost a standard now among industries. However, security awareness programs vary in frequency, details, and execution. And it’s that variability which, unfortunately, can become a vulnerability. Employees and users are the first line of defense against a cyberattack.

Authenticated: Cybersecurity at the Speed of Data

Welcome to the first episode of Authenticated, a new series from Arctic Wolf Labs designed to break down our fundamental, people-driven approach to cybersecurity. Led by Arctic Wolf Chief Product Officer Dan Schiappa, Authenticated explores how we’re reinventing the cybersecurity industry one innovation at a time.

The Attacker's Toolkit: Ransomware-As-A-Service

Security threats evolve just as fast as the technologies used to stop them. New and modified attack strategies are constantly in the works. To make matters worse, the attack surface within corporate networks is expanding. The push to work from home increased vulnerable points of entry by introducing multitudes of new endpoint devices. The move to cloud-based services and infrastructure has further resulted in a broader and more challenging landscape to defend.

3 Security Lessons We Haven't Learned From the Kaseya Breach

Not everyone had the luxury of enjoying BBQ and backyard time during Fourth of July weekend. Kaseya, an IT management software provider, spent their 2021 holiday fighting a ransomware attack. You likely saw news of the attack in headlines over that holiday weekend, especially considering Kaseya is a technology provider to thousands of managed service providers.

The Cyber Talent Shortage

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: “we’re finding it really difficult to fill cyber roles.” In recent years, cyber-attacks have transcended industries and demographics — as has the need for strong, proactive cybersecurity. In the modern cyber landscape, everyone is a target, and every business needs to defend themselves against cyber threats. That means more organizations are on the lookout for security professionals.

What is a Spoofing Attack and How Can You Prevent Them?

At the heart of almost every business interaction lies trust. Whether logging in to a website, providing information over the phone, or interacting via email, trust is essential when the communication involves money, sensitive data, or both. To win a victim’s trust, gain access to a secure system, receive sensitive data, or insert malicious software, cybercriminals use various tools and tactics to mask their identity or disguise their devices. These tactics are the foundation of a spoofing attack.