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Data Breaches

More than 53,000 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Patients Have Data Exposed

The NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital is a leading academic hospital that delivers virtual and in-person care to a wide range of patients. The hospital offers urgent care services, as well as primary and specialized care. This facility recently discovered a data breach that exposed the information of more than 54,000 patients overall.

Discord Cooperates with the Government in An Attempt to Learn About Recent Breach

Between January and March of this year, US government documents started being leaked online. These documents contain some valuable information, and the Department of Defense has been trying to determine the culprits behind the leaked documents.

Nexx Security Components Aren't Safe, Say Security Experts

Nexx is a home security company that specializes in internet-connected security devices such as alarms, garage door openers, cameras, plugs, and more. The company works to make homes safer and to help with home automation goals. Unfortunately, it appears that Nexx products are vulnerable to some major security issues, and it doesn't appear that the company is actively working to fix the issues.

Common OfferUp Scams to Watch Out For

One of the hottest online trends is auction sites selling everything from toys to cars and items tucked away in a closet. Sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and Decluttr, provide a way for anyone to sell anything. eBay and Craigslist began the craze of selling unwanted household items back in 1995. These sites sought to bring together buyers and sellers in an open and honest marketplace. Both companies expanded rapidly beyond collectibles into any saleable item.

MSI Must Pay $4 Million Ransom to Stop a 1.5TB Data Leak

MSI is a huge PC parts manufacturer that's responsible for creating laptops, servers, graphics cards, motherboards, peripherals, and more. The company has an annual revenue greater than 6.5 billion USD and is known around the world for being part of the computer world. MSI was supposedly hit by a ransomware attack by a gang known as Money Message, and it's believed that the massive company lost a substantial amount of information as a result of this attack.

KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell Parent Company Discloses the Details of a Recent Data Breach

Yum!, a massive worldwide food brand, operates over 55,000 restaurants in a total of 155 countries. The brand has more than 36,000 employees and owns restaurants like KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut, among others. The brand was recently hit by a data breach that may have exposed some of its employees as well as some customers. This is a real issue that should have people a bit concerned.

Foresiet Discovers Data Breach of Texas Healthcare Company

In a recent dive into the deep web, Foresiet, the cyber security firm has made a shocking discovery. Our team has uncovered a massive data breach of a healthcare company in Texas, US. The data breach has resulted in the exposure of sensitive patient information and has left the affected patients vulnerable to identity theft and other serious consequences. The Breach Details During our deep web exploration, we stumbled upon a downloadable link to the breached data.

Over 10,000 Students Hit By Hawaii Maui College Data Breach

The University of Hawaii Maui College is one of ten branches of the Hawaii public university college system. The school is located in Maui and serves more than 2,500 students annually. This public university is one of many that recently suffered from a data breach exposing students to possible identity theft risks.

Key US Military Documents are Released in Recent Data Breach

Recently, classified military documents have been showing up on social media sites around the internet. These documents are primarily about the war in Ukraine, and some released were Top Secret documents. Both the Pentagon and the Justice Department are concerned about this latest leak, and the classified documents could do real harm to the military's efforts if they keep being posted online.

Biggest Data Breaches in the UK [Updated 2023]

While some locations and organizations tend to be more at risk of a cyberattack or other security incidents involving data, it’s critical for all companies to consider the cyber threat landscape. Hackers are increasingly prolific and use increasingly advanced techniques and technology to perpetrate data breaches.