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February 2020

What is a Data Breach and How It Can Be Cured? (Part 2)

There are several types of data or information that can be leaked during a data breach. This include: Though hackers are fast and sophisticated in their operations, nevertheless, some best practices and efficient security tools can help organizations and individuals contain this problem. Here is some help.

What is a Data Breach and How It Can Be Cured? (Part 1)

In the age of the digital world, cyber threats and vulnerabilities have gained the attention of security leaders as well as countries across the globe. The issue of cyber warfare is no longer limited to organizations. Rather, even state-sponsored cyber-attacks are being organized and launched against enemy states.

MGM Resorts hacked: 10.6 million guests have their personal data exposed on hacking forum

Over 10 million people who have stayed at MGM Resorts hotels – including Twitter boss Jack Dorsey and pop idol Justin Bieber – have had their personal details posted online by hackers. The security breach, publicised by ZDNet and security researcher Under the Breach, saw the records of 10,683,188 former guests – including names, postal addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and email addresses – made available in an online data dump.