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September 2024

Integrating Security as Code: A Necessity for DevSecOps

Security practices in DevOps have evolved from being a minor concern to one of the main focus points, which resulted in the DevSecOps movement. It’s about “shifting security to the left” in the software development lifecycle – so the security measures are a fundamental component. Traditionally, security management was moved to the final stages of developing software, and it has proven its ineffectiveness in dealing with the challenges of modern software projects.

Immutable Ledgers: Recording Time-Sensitive Decisions and Knowledge

In a time when everything said, whether factual, fake, or AI-created, may be recorded and posted on the internet, it’s more important than ever to ensure that what was recorded accurately represents a point in time. When someone claims you said, “I was Smoking on a flight, watching Star Wars, the best special effects movie of all time,” was that a false claim? Did they include the date and the context?

The Secure Cloud-Native Journey: Development, Deployment, and Defense

David Hendri, Solvo’s CTO & Co-founder, and David Melamed, Jit’s CTO & Co-founder, discuss the shift from traditional software security to modern cloud environments. They cover how cloud visibility, automation, and vulnerability prioritization improve security without slowing developers and share insights on future trends, including AI’s impact on cloud security.

Focusing on the WHY: Jit Enables Developers to Understand the Runtime Context for Security Issues

While code and cloud security scanners are great at identifying code flaws and cloud misconfigurations, they can bombard developers with long lists of potential security “issues” – many of which don’t introduce real risk. Whether insecure code introduces real risk depends on a number of factors, like whether it is being deployed to production, is exposed to the internet, or calls a sensitive database.

DevSecOps: From Culture to ROI

Wednesday, Sep 11th, 2024 DevSecOps: It sounds like a dream team, right? But the reality is often a bit more... challenging. When companies try to bring together development and security, it's like trying to mix oil and water. There are organizational roadblocks, cultural clashes, and technical headaches that can make the whole process feel like a never-ending uphill battle. The challenges of adopting DevSecOps may seem insurmountable. Is adopting DevSecOps worth the effort? Yes. One hundred percent.