Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2023

How to use the impact security page in Jit

Welcome to Jit, In this video, we'll show you how to use the security impact page! This page contains statistics on how Jit has impacted your security posture, developing velocity and coverage. Developers love choosing their own tech stack, and it's time for us, DevSecOps pros, to do the same. With Jit's orchestration framework, you can choose the security tools you want for your tech stack.

How to work with Jit's backlog

Welcome to Jit! In this video, we'll introduce the "Backlog" page. This page displays all the vulnerabilities that Jit has found upon onboarding and forward. To open a finding in the Backlog window, simply click on it. On the right, you can see details of the finding, such as where it is located in GitHub and which tool was used to find it. If you want to ignore multiple findings, no problem. You can easily change their status. You can filter the backlog by choosing a specific tool from the drop-down menu. In this example, we are filtering by "KICS", one of our cloud security tools.

Snyk Partner Speaks series: True DevSecOps with Snyk and Dynatrace

The latest video in our Snyk Partner Speak Series showcases how Snyk and Dynatrace bring complementary capabilities to different parts of the DevSecOps lifecycle. Check it out and learn how the integration enables organizations to observe, investigate, fix, and govern with a single solution. The Snyk DevSecOps Lifecycle Coverage App is the newest milestone in the Snyk and Dynatrace strategic alliance.

RKVST mitigating insider threats demo

Mitigate insider threats with RKVST. This demo is an example of how with RKVST it's quick and simple to identify who did what when to any asset so you can quickly see if there has been any malicious activity, when it happened and who was responsible. RKVST provenance-as-a-service enables organizations to authenticate data and build trustworthy digital supply chains. It also makes it quick and easy to locate an asset.

Code delivery in a DevSecOps way through automation and security - GitProtect & Mergify

Fewer engineers, more and more updates and milestones, competition velocity... - all of this makes DevSecOps seem complicated and costly. While security might be considered a bottleneck to faster releases, growing cyber threats and developers' mistakes makes it much too risky to minimize or ignore. In this webinar recording experts from GitProtect and Mergify join forces to prove to you that code delivery in a DevSecOps way doesn't have to be complicated 🚀