Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

One platform, complete protection: why data security is moving on from point solutions

As the world enters the AI Era, CISOs and CIOs are looking at data security with renewed interest and urgency. Instead of multiple overlapping yet disconnected tools, it’s time for one unified platform to trace and secure data wherever it goes.

Modern data security: why the convergence of DLP and IRM is more effective than the sum of its parts

In the past decade, organizations seeking to protect sensitive data from negligent or malicious insiders faced two choices: invest in a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) product or an Insider Risk Management (IRM) product. These solutions addressed the same problem from different angles. DLP products focused on analyzing data content to control its movement, while IRM products monitored user behavior for risky actions.