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May 2024

Here, There, Ransomware: The Surge of New Ransomware Groups

From late 2023 and into 2024, the ransomware ecosystem has become more diverse than ever, with an ever-expanding cast of extortion groups. Established players continue to compromise large companies globally, while smaller, newer groups are breaking into the scene with increasing frequency. From January to mid-May 2024 alone, 22 new ransomware groups emerged. In comparison, only 22 groups emerged during the entire two-and-a-half-year period between January 2018 and August 2020.

Cyber Threat Intelligence Update: Data Breach, Ransomware Trends, and Emerging AI Threats

This blog provides a comprehensive update on a major data breach at the UK Ministry of Defence, a strategic shift in ransomware targets towards smaller businesses, and the increasing utilisation of generative AI in cybercrime.

Hacktivism Roundup Q1 2024: Warfare in the Digital World

The realm of hacktivism is rapidly expanding, its contours continually shifting and adapting to the geopolitical climate. Within this dynamic landscape, specific regions and industry sectors face heightened risks. Hacktivism, by its very essence, thrives in the public eye, as its actors strive to effect political or social change.

Strategic Intelligence Report: Latin America and the Caribbean

This report outlines Latin America and the Caribbean's history of instability but notes recent moves towards democracy and increased global interest. It highlights a shift towards closer ties with China, marked by significant investments across sectors, moving away from traditional relationships with the United States.

Cryptocurrency Threat Landscape Report - Q1 2024

This whitepaper explores the Q1 2024 cryptocurrency landscape, highlighting Bitcoin's surge from $42,000 to $73,000, settling around $65,000 by the quarter's end. It investigates emerging threats, such as exit scams and evolving phishing tactics, and discusses the broader impact of rising cryptocurrency prices.

Broken China?

This white paper examines China's economic situation post-COVID-19, analysing if the recovery has stalled and the long-term implications for the world's second-largest economy. It looks at key economic and structural weaknesses, including declining factory activity, falling consumer prices, a struggling property sector, rising unemployment, and demographic challenges.