Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2023

GitGuardian - Your code security platform

In an era where digital security is paramount, GitGuardian stands as your ultimate code security solution. Presented by Mackenzie Jackson, a Developer Advocate at GitGuardian, this video unveils the platform's cutting-edge features designed to bolster your software supply chain. GitGuardian is your comprehensive safeguard, exposing and protecting critical assets across your supply chain. From Secrets Detection to Infra as Code Security and the powerful Honeytoken, this platform equips you to proactively secure your code.

Check if your secrets have leaked on GitHub - Has My Secret Leaked Demo

Since 2017 GitGuardian has been monitoring all public activity on GitHub. Now in a new product called Has My Secret Leaked you can check if your secrets on GitHub. In this video, Mackenzie runs through how to use both the web interface and CLI tool GGShield to check if your secrets have ever been exposed on GitHub, regardless of if they have since been deleted. Has My Secret Leaked is a service that will first create a secure hash of your secret locally then match it to other hashes in the GitGuardian database.

Dynamic Application Security Testing: Benefits, Pitfalls, and Top Open-Source Solutions

In code security, not everything is "shift left." Dynamic testing is as important to help developers build and ship secure applications on the right-hand side of the SDLC. Let's explore the benefits, pitfalls, and popular open-source DAST tools in this blog post from the Escape team.

Have Your Secrets Leaked? It's time to find out!

We understand the struggle of securing sensitive data—API tokens, cloud credentials, and database URLs have a knack for slipping into the public eye, be it in code repositories, CI job logs, or unexpected corners like Jira tickets. We've been championing this cause since 2017, scouring over a billion public GitHub commits last year alone and uncovering a staggering 10 million in 2022. We've gone beyond reports, beyond thought leadership, to unveil a real solution: HasMySecretLeaked!

Are the Fears about the EU Cyber Resilience Act Justified?

Discover the inner workings of the recently implemented Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) in the EU and explore why this framework has raised concerns about jeopardizing the open-source ecosystem. Join us in our latest blog post to delve into this important topic.