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June 2023

Android Malware Outbreak: Unmasking the RAT Inside a Screen Recording App

With the worldwide popularity of Android and its open-source software, hackers have an increased incentive and opportunity to orchestrate attacks. A Google search for “Android malware” brings up headlines like these, all from the past few days or weeks: SecurityScorecard recently analyzed a specific threat known as the AhMyth RAT (remote access trojan), which made headlines for infiltrating a popular screen recording app on the Google Play Store.

What is the Mitre ATT&CK Framework?

In cybersecurity, being well-versed in the wide range of resources available for protecting and enhancing your digital environment is crucial. One of the most significant and effective tools is the Mitre ATT&CK Framework. Read on for an in-depth exploration of this critical cybersecurity framework and how you can apply it to your own organization.

SecurityScorecard and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

This week, SecurityScorecard is participating in the US Chamber of Commerce’s Cyber Security Trade Mission to Israel. This has been a valuable experience to not only share our cybersecurity knowledge, but to learn more about Israel’s cybersecurity efforts, and those of other countries.

Increase Cyber Resilience With the Trusted, Must Have Standard for Measuring Cyber Risk

Gain a complete understanding of your attack surface and business ecosystem risk. Know in an instant whether an organization deserves your trust and show others your deserve theirs. From security ratings and third-party risk management to digital forensics and incident response, SecurityScorecard is here for you. Together, we make the world a safer place.

SecurityScorecard's Cyber Resilience Services

With the average cost of a data breach now at $4.35 million, organizations need to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their data against cyber threats. Having a plan in place for how to respond to cyber incidents is an important step in increasing cyber resilience, protecting sensitive data, and saving money. But where should an organization start? And who should it trust?

Fighting Together: TSA, Critical Infrastructure, and Cyber Risk Management

Following the ransomware attack on a US pipeline company in May of 2021, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued a series of security directives to enhance the cybersecurity posture of US transportation systems to mitigate cyber threats.

Fortinet Fortigate Vulnerability CVE-2023-27997: How to Surface Exposed Devices and Mitigate the Threat

Recently, a critical vulnerability tracked as CVE-2023-27997 was identified in Fortinet Fortigate appliances. Fortinet makes some of the most popular firewall and VPN devices on the market, which makes them an attractive target for threat actors. This vulnerability has been exploited by the Chinese APT group Volt Typhoon, among others, targeting governments and organizations worldwide. As a result, Fortinet has released an urgent patch for affected systems.

Cybersecurity Risk is a Business Risk: Upcoming SEC Regulations Make Security Transparency Mandatory

The upcoming cybersecurity regulations from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) deliver a clear message: Cyber risk is a business risk. Slated to be finalized this fall, the regulations will directly link financial performance to cybersecurity through required public disclosures. If a company is hacked, it can affect the stock price, the market capitalization, and customer trust. That is why the SEC is paying attention and has proposed these vital regulations.

Managing Cyber Risk in the Insurance Supply Chain

This week in London, SecurityScorecard hosted a roundtable discussion on cyber risk in the insurance supply chain. Keynote speaker Santosh Pandit, head of Cybersecurity at the Bank of England, shared his insights with 20 London-based insurers on managing cyber risk in the financial sector and the latest regulatory initiatives that may impact the insurance industry.

SecurityScorecard Identifies Infrastructure Linked to Widespread MOVEit Vulnerability Exploitation

New disclosures regarding the widespread exploitation of CVE-2023-34362, a new vulnerability affecting the MOVEit file transfer software, and the Cl0p ransomware group’s claim of responsibility for its widespread exploitation and the resulting data theft, have continued in the weeks since the vulnerability’s original publication.

Forbes Media Publishes Industry's First List of America's Most Cybersecure Companies

In a climate where companies largely gain attention only when something negative happens, it’s time to celebrate and recognize the companies who are best in class when it comes to cybersecurity. That’s why we applaud Forbes’ decision to produce the industry’s first list of America’s Most Cybersecure Companies. These companies illuminate how cybersecurity is being taken seriously as a core business issue.

Three Steps to Prevent a Cybersecurity Breach from MOVEit Exploit

SecurityScorecard conducted an extensive investigation into the Zellis breach. This research revealed alarming insights about the scale and persistence of the attack. The data exfiltration was carried out in several steps: Netflow data from Zellis IP ranges indicated large outbound transfers over HTTPS, which pointed towards the presence of a web shell. Additionally, SecurityScorecard researchers detected exfiltration over SSH to known malicious IP addresses.

Attack Surface Intelligence (ASI) Data Updates: Enhancing Threat Research Capabilities

In the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, staying ahead of potential threats is crucial. Attack Surface Intelligence (ASI) is vital in identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating risks. This blog post will discuss the latest data updates in ASI and the exciting developments within our threat research group.

Evolving Trends in the Cyber Insurance Market

Cyber insurance is the fastest-growing sector of the world’s insurance markets. But, a recent increase in ransomware attacks and business email compromises has led to a sharp uptick in claims, resulting in significant losses for cyber insurers and increased premiums. Cyber insurance customers need a way to increase their cyber resilience, reduce premiums, and improve their cyber postures.

How to Measure and Communicate Cybersecurity Progress

Last week, SecurityScorecard was invited to participate in a fireside chat with Michael Daniel, President & CEO of the Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA). SecurityScorecard’s Chief Business Officer, Sachin Bansal, joined Daniel for a lively discussion regarding how to measure cyber health and clearly communicate progress against those metrics.