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January 2025

FSOCIETY & FUNKSEC Collaborate On Future Attacks

On January 15th, the FSOCIETY ransomware group published on their official DLS (data leak site) that they have begun a partnership with the rising Funksec group. The FunkSec ransomware group first emerged publicly in late 2024 and rapidly gained prominence by publishing over 85 claimed victims—more than any other ransomware group in the month of December.

Ransomware Annual Report 2024

In 2024, the ransomware landscape recorded 5,414 published attacks on organizations worldwide, representing an 11% increase compared to 2023. While the year began with a decline in ransomware activity during Q1, the frequency of attacks surged in Q2 and continued to rise through the remainder of the year. This culminated in a dramatic spike during Q4, which saw 1,827 incidents—33% of all ransomware attacks for the year—making it the most active quarter.

Philippine Threat Landscape Report 2024-2025

The Cyberint (now a Check Point Company) Philippine Threat Landscape 2024-2025 report unravels the evolving cyber threats and scam operations targeting organizations in the Philippines—mainly within the Government, Education, Financial, and Telecommunications sectors. Data from Cyberint sources indicates a surge in cyber threats such as malware, social engineering, and system exploitations.

Attack Surface Management: From Passive Scanning to Active Security Testing

Traditionally, approaches to Attack Surface Management (ASM) went something like this: A business scanned its own IT estate to discover assets and understand what its attack surface actually included. We can think of this as Phase I. Following the completion of an asset inventory, they assessed each of their assets to identify risks and vulnerabilities, such as open ports, certificate issues, DNS misconfigurations, and more.