Malicious Package Trend Analysis

Malicious Package Trend Analysis

Jul 21, 2023

It might seem obvious that regularly upgrading software and dependencies means your software is inherently more secure, but in practice, this is hard to achieve. Choice Hotels struggled to manually maintain their codebase and remediate all the transitive vulnerabilities lurking in the code. Today’s compositional applications created a complex archeological exploration challenge for developers trying to resolve security issues across a codebase. It was time-consuming, tedious, and imperfect.

In this program, Choice Hotels explains how they overcame these challenges for their development teams with Moderne’s remediation automation. With this solution, they applied the principles and practices of continuous software modernization and kept their code in a more secure state.

You will learn about:

  • Choice Hotels' challenges and solutions on the path to continuous modernization
  • How automating code remediation can dramatically change the security posture and productivity balance within an organization
  • What it takes to automatically remediate vulnerabilities with high accuracy at the enterprise scale
  • How Moderne’s next-generation alternative to current SAST tooling is dramatically improving developer velocity