How to Build an NPM Package for ESM and CJS

How to Build an NPM Package for ESM and CJS

May 20, 2024

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In this video, we show you how to build an NPM package that is compatible with ESM and CJS. Have you built an NPM package before? if so, share it down below in the comments!

Read more about how to build an npm package for ESM and CJS in our related blog:

✍️ Resources ✍️

⏲️ Chapters ⏲️

00:00 - How your package can support ESM and CJS modules

00:41 - Using the "main" property to target ESM

02:00 - Exploring the "main" and "module" properties

03:20 - Exploring the "exports" property

04:01 - How to provide type support with Typescript

05:22 - Keeping your package secure with Snyk

07:52 - Summary

08:35 - Outro

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Snyk helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your code, open-source dependencies, containers, infrastructure-as-code, software pipelines, IDEs, and more! Move fast, stay secure.

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