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10 Database Security Best Practices You Should Know

Around 39 billion records were compromised between January and December of last year, according to Flashpoint’s 2022 A Year in Review report. While this result is quite staggering, it also sends a clear message of the need for effective database security measures. Database security measures are a bit different from network security practices. The former involves physical steps, software solutions and even educating your employees.

Trezor crypto wallets under attack in SMS phishing campaign

Willie Sutton, the criminal who became legendary for stealing from banks during a forty year career, was once asked, "Why do you keep robbing banks?" His answer? "Because that's where the money is." However, today there's a better target for robbers today than banks, which are typically well-defended against theft... Cryptocurrency wallets.

Social Engineering: Definition & 6 Attack Types

We all know about the attacker who leverages their technical expertise to infiltrate protected computer systems and compromise sensitive data. This type of malicious actor ends up in the news all the time. But they’re not the only ones making headlines. So too are “social engineers,” individuals who use phone calls and other media to exploit human psychology and trick people into handing over access to the organization’s sensitive information.

Operational Security: 8 best practices to create a comprehensive OPSEC program

Security threat actors are becoming smarter, and their attacks more devious. Staying ahead of cybercriminals and vulnerabilities is the only way to defeat the attackers at their own game. If you want to protect your organization from cyber threats, then you need to think like an attacker. Operational security, also known as OPSEC, is a discipline that considers the perspective of potential threat actors.

Deepfakes: What they are and tips to spot them

Deepfakes are forged images, audio, and videos that are created using Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning technologies. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), deepfake videos are increasing at an annual rate of 900%, and recent technological advances have made it easier to produce them. VMware states that two out of three defenders report that deepfakes were used as a part of an attack to influence operations, or to launch disinformation campaigns.

9 Ways Cyber Attackers are Looking to Exploit Government Agencies in 2023

Governments play a key role in the continued operation of society. While getting a speeding ticket or paying taxes may not be anyone’s favorite thing to do, they contribute to the government’s ability to protect its citizens while maintaining its infrastructure and services. Cybersecurity is critical for all organizations and government agencies, as they may hold sensitive information on both individuals, as well as key infrastructure.

The 10 Most Common Website Security Attacks (and How to Protect Yourself)

They’re far from old news: despite the hype about “increasingly sophisticated, automated attacks,” these 10 tried-and-true website security attacks are still top of the list for career malicious hackers. No one likes to work harder than they have to, and black hats are no different. Why repel from the ceiling when you could just try the front door?

Fake ChatGPT apps spread Windows and Android malware

OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot has been a phenomenon, taking the internet by storm. Whether it is composing poetry, writing essays for college students, or finding bugs in computer code, it has impressed millions of people and proven itself to be the most accessible form of artificial intelligence ever seen.

HardBit ransomware tells corporate victims to share their cyber insurance details

A ransomware outfit is advising its victims to secretly tell them how much insurance they have, so their extortion demands will be met. As security researchers at Varonis describe, a new strain of the HardBit ransomware has taken the unusual step of asking targeted companies to spill the beans of whether they have cyber insurance (and the terms of that insurance) anonymously.