Why You Need To Protect Your Streaming Services And How To Do It

Why You Need To Protect Your Streaming Services And How To Do It

The best part about streaming services is that you get to share them with your friends. One person pays for Netflix, another one pays for Roku, a third one pays for Apple TV, and that’s how the circle goes. You all share the login details and access all the shows on all platforms. But is it safe, and should you do it?

Account access is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a hacker breaching your streaming account. The damage can quickly spread through your network, and they can access all your other accounts and devices. If that happens, you can say goodbye to your online security and privacy.

How can hackers get into your streaming devices?

Every device linked to the internet is vulnerable. A hacker can’t do much with a streaming box. They’re limited to the device's mechanics. Let’s say a cybercriminal gets into your Roku. They can use the microphone to listen to your conversations, but since the device doesn’t have a camera, they can’t watch you. Hackers will also gain access to your account information and the history of the things you’ve watched.

The worst part comes after they infiltrate your network. If that happens, they’ll be able to access every device connected to the network, including your phone and laptop. This is why you need to protect your network to prevent it from getting hacked in the first place. Here’s what you need to do.

Turn on encryption

It all starts with the router. Modern routers have WPA3 encryption (WPA2 is also good), which you need to enable to prevent others from accessing your network.

Use strong passwords

Your home network must be password-protected. Make a unique Wi-Fi password with symbols, numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters. Using a phrase instead of a word is a good idea because that’s much harder to crack. Default passwords are the easiest to exploit, and weak passwords are next on the list. A password manager is a great tool to help you create and store strong passwords.

Use a VPN

VPNs turn your regular network into a private one and hide it from the eyes of hackers. The moment you start using a VPN for Roku or any other streaming service, you become invisible to cybercriminals to track your online activity. VPNs use tunneling technology to transmit your data, which masks your information from internet service providers, cybercriminals, marketers, and third parties. And the best part about VPNs is that you can use them on multiple devices. So, you can cover your smart TV, phone, and laptop with a single plan. Most VPNs come with additional protection features that elevate your cybersecurity to the highest level.

Use a firewall

A firewall acts like a virtual security fence. In reality, a fence around your house keeps it safe from intruders. In the digital world, a firewall is the software that keeps hackers and cybercriminals at bay. They won’t be able to breach your computer or network because the firewall acts like a digital barrier that blocks access from the outside in while allowing your devices to interact with the internet. Think of it as a two-way filter.

Routers, by default, come with an enabled firewall, but you still need to check. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Connect your laptop or computer to your router via Wi-Fi or a cable.
  • Open a web browser and type the IP address (the numbers on the router label or in the manual).
  • Enter your username and password (the default one is admin and admin – and if that’s still the case, you’ve got to change them immediately).
  • Look for Advanced, Security, or Firewall options and see if the firewall is enabled.
  • Install a trusted firewall if you can’t find such info in the settings.

Segment your network

Segmenting your network means your phones and laptops connect to one Wi-Fi while all your streaming services and IoT devices connect to the other. This is great because even if those weak links get compromised, cybercriminals will not touch your main devices that have all your personal and sensitive information. The easiest way to segment is in your router settings, but you can also use a third-party app.

Only download trusted apps

Before downloading any smart TV application, check the reviews and ratings. Cybercriminals often deploy apps filled with malware to Google Play or the Apple Store, and you don’t want such things on your device. Make a rule in your household that you should never download and install APK files, too. They’re riddled with malicious code.