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The Howler Episode 15: Debra Sevelius, VP of Legal

This month we sit down with Debra Sevelius, Vice President of Legal, as she shares the "glamorous side of commercial legal," her love of curling, and much more! As the Head of Commercial Legal at Arctic Wolf, Deb is an experienced, collaborative, globally-minded executive leader, with a proven record in leading legal and cross-functional operational teams that deliver pragmatic win-win outcomes that maximize long term value, achieve process efficiencies, and increase revenue.

Overview of Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness

In this overview of Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness, we take a look at the importance of addressing human risk. Find out how this program uses micro learning sessions to deliver frequent, easy to consume content that builds a strong security culture. Learn more how Arctic Wolf Managed Security Awareness ends human risk by delivering 100% relevant microlearning content.

The Howler Episode 14: Jeff Green, Senior Vice President, R&D

This month we sit down with Jeff Green, Senior Vice President of R&D, as he shares his experience helping open our brand-new India office, leadership advice he swears by, and more! Jeff is an industry veteran with over 30 years of experience in building world-class products and technologies for enterprises and consumers primarily focused in security. Currently as Senior Vice President of R&D, Jeff leads Arctic Wolf’s global research and engineering organization with a focus on delivering security outcomes for customers and ending cyber risk at high scale.