Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2022

3 Critical Elements of Effective Insider Risk Management

Whether businesses are grappling with rapidly changing market conditions, continued pandemic disruptions, geopolitical conflicts, or shifting workplace arrangements, threat actors are looking to take advantage of the moment to undermine network integrity or compromise data privacy. In many ways, their efforts are bearing fruit. According to a recent industry survey, 66 percent of respondents indicated they experienced a ransomware attack in 2021, a 29 percent year-over-year increase.

5 Steps for Building an Agile Identity and Access Management Strategy

Traditional identity and access management (IAM) implementation methods can’t provide enough flexibility, responsiveness, and efficiency. Indeed, many organizations struggle with developing a mature IAM program according to the State of Enterprise Identity report by the Ponemon Institute. Among the key reasons for this challenge cited by respondents in the report are a lack of employee awareness, an insufficient budget, and ineffective planning.

Busting browser fails: What attackers see when they hack your employees' browser

The web browser is probably the most used application on your computer. It’s used for basically everything from checking email, communicating via social media, video conferencing to shopping, banking, gaming, and much more. While we are moving toward a more app-based mobile lifestyle, we are far from getting rid of the traditional web browser.

The 6 Best USB Control Software of 2022 (Tech Review)

Need a USB blocker to protect sensitive files against theft to portable storage? In this article you will learn why you need to block USB devices and the best USB device management tools to prevent data loss to removable media. Looking for more tools? Check out our list of the best internet filters and the best employee monitoring software Ready to prevent data loss? Get started immediately with a free trial of AccessPatrol, CurrentWare’s USB blocking software.

The Future of Work Requires More Transparent Management

Most knowledge-economy workplaces are embracing the remote future of work. The question for these leaders is how to manage a workforce that may physically congregate in the office only once or twice a week, if ever. According to Gallup, as many as two-thirds of white-collar U.S. employees worked exclusively from home during the pandemic, a massive shift that will shape workplace culture for years to come.

5 Effective Tips for Securing Government Agencies Against Insider Threats

The uptick in recent years in cyber attacks by rival state actors, primarily Russia and China but not only, as well as criminal groups, have pushed the US government to step up its effort to defend against these malicious actors. While much of the focus has been on external actors, there has also been an ongoing effort to secure government organizations from internal threat actors. Insiders present a serious risk because they have authorized access to be inside the organization.

5 Crushing Corporate Espionage Cases-Are Your Trade Secrets Safe?

Are your trade secrets safe against corporate spies? These examples of corporate espionage highlight the great lengths that foreign governments and competing companies will go to to maintain an advantage over their competitors. If you like this article be certain to check out our article on the Worst Examples of Data Theft by Employees. Table of Contents.