Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2024

The Bug Stops Here: Using DevSecOps Workflows for Pest-Free Applications

Developers and cybersecurity have an interesting relationship. Developers have no problem with security operations just as long as they’re not involved or adding security doesn’t slow down their development cycle. Thankfully, well-documented security operations — known as DevSecOps — assist with the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and perform mostly invisibly from the developer’s perspective.

Building for the Future DevSecOps in the era of AI ML Model Development

Melissa McKay, JFrog Developer Advocate, and Sunil Bemarkar, AWS Sr. Partner Solutions Architect, discuss practical ways to mature your MLOps approach including bringing model use and development into your existing secure software supply chain and development processes. Watch to learn more and get a demo of the JFrog and Amazon SageMaker integration.

InCyber Forum Europe recap: 4 tips from DevSecOps experts

As your organization considers how to shift security left and facilitate shared responsibility for fixing issues, it can be tricky to know where to start. Which tooling will work best with your existing processes? What are the best ways to spread the word about the importance of application security? And once you’ve chosen tools, how do you actually get developers to use them?