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November 2024

The Future (and Present) of the Internet, AI, and Tech with Nicholas Thompson

This week, host João Tomé is joined by Nicholas Thompson, CEO of The Atlantic and former editor-in-chief of Wired, during his participation at Web Summit, the international event held in Lisbon with over 70,000 attendees. In this conversation, Thompson discusses the Internet, AI, social media, and the challenge of protecting content creators from AI crawlers—a problem Cloudflare’s AI Audit is designed to address. We also explore the 2024 media landscape, its future, and its role in supporting democracy.

Bigger and badder: how DDoS attack sizes have evolved over the last decade

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are cyberattacks that aim to overwhelm and disrupt online services, making them inaccessible to users. By leveraging a network of distributed devices, DDoS attacks flood the target system with excessive requests, consuming its bandwidth or exhausting compute resources to the point of failure. These attacks can be highly effective against unprotected sites and relatively inexpensive for attackers to launch.

How building Cloudflare with Cloudflare helps developers (with Celso Martinho)

Celso Martinho is a Senior Director of Engineering at Cloudflare. He works across multiple teams from Radar to Workers AI in our new Cloudflare Lisbon offices. In this conversation, host João Tomé and Celso discuss the rapid growth of Cloudflare Workers, simplifying life for developers, and the importance of observability in AI. Celso also dives into how the challenges for developers have changed since the 1990s tech era and why he believes the Internet is still in its infancy.