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May 2024

What is SQL Injection? SQLI Prevention and Mitigation

SQL Injection is a kind of cyber-attack based on targeted databases by submitting malicious SQL code instead of input on web application fields. This code is created with the purpose of affecting the structure of the database query that the application interacts with the backend database, thus making it vulnerable to hackers who can breach its security, modify data or carry out malicious actions.

Network Security and Application Security: The Power Duo of Cybersecurity

In a world with frequent technological changes, maintaining the trustworthiness and protection of your data and systems should be of paramount importance. With technology constantly evolving for the better, dangers and susceptibility could also make your online security more extraordinary. This is where the issues of network security and application security appear, which may be referred to as two complementary subtopics.

AWS CloudHSM vs. AWS KMS: Decoding the Best Encryption Solution for Your Business

Data protection is now one of the most acute problems of any business, be it a small venture or a corporate giant. In this dynamic and rapidly changing environment, the significance of strong encryption and proper practices for managing keys by organizations is gradually gaining acceptance. Amazon Web Services (AWS), the leading cloud computing platform, offers two powerful tools to safeguard sensitive data: The Cryptographic protocol for AWS CloudHSM and KMS are enlisted.

What are Vulnerable Software Components? Common Attacks, Identify and Mitigate

The highly competitive digital setting that we have today requires modern software applications to serve as the foundation of business operations, communication, and service innovation. However, this agility has some risks since outsourcing part of application development to external tools and libraries implies that the organization can unintentionally introduce vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can use against them.

What is Privilege Escalation in AWS? Recommendations to Prevent the Risk of Privilege Escalation on AWS

Privilege escalation in AWS refers to the unauthorized elevation of user privileges within the AWS environment, allowing users to access resources and perform actions beyond their intended level of permissions. This security risk would arise in case the attackers utilize the vulnerabilities or misconfigurations in AWS services, IAM policies, or access controls to take up privileges above the current level.

Trusted Signing: The Microsoft Way to Safeguard Your Applications

With the advent of digital technology that makes its way into every sphere of our lives, software’s reliability and integrity are particularly important. Hackers never stop trying to gain unauthorized access and exploit application weaknesses to achieve their goals and gain from outact. This can mean peril respectively for individuals and organizations.

Unleash Your Startup's Potential with Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing

In the modern world with an intense digital culture, businesses of the newly created startup type face tremendous pressure to innovate fast and provide customers with innovative goods and services. Infrastructure construction and management is a time-consuming and expensive task. Microsoft Azure answers the trial by fire, providing a versatile cloud approximation platform targeted at startups’ peculiarities.

What is DLL Hijacking? How to Identify and Prevent DLL Hijacking?

Ever happened – you clicked a random link by mistake but discovered your system working strangely? Maybe some programs crash, data goes missing, or pop-ups plague your screen. It could be a malicious threat within your system, or simply, your system is the victim of a DLL Hijacking. DLL Hijacking is a type of cyberattack that allows the attacker to steal your data or even take control of your system.

What is Unrestricted Code Execution? How to Defend Organizations Against this Attack?

Nowadays, with more organizations and individuals relying heavily on third-party software to execute their high-priority and covert tasks, the risks of data breaches or cyber-attacks are becoming a serious issue. A cyber attack is basically an attempt by cybercriminals, hackers, or other digital adversaries to access a computer network or system with a willingness to expose, alter, steal, or destroy your million-dollar information.

Risks and Challenges with Compromised Code Signing Certificate - How to Overcome

Do you know almost 88% of companies experience unplanned outages due to expired certificates? Given these big numbers, ensuring the safety and reliability of software with code-signing certificates is vital. However, when a code signing certificate is compromised, it can pose significant risks that can undermine the trustworthiness of software distributed to users. In this blog, we are going to discuss all those risks and challenges, along with some tips on how to overcome them. Let’s begin!