Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2025

JFrog Cloud Native Innovation - Availability, Security Performance and Efficiency at Scale

JFrog uses open source tools such as Kubernetes, Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA), and Prometheus to develop its cloud development infrastructure and ensure tight integration with the three leading cloud providers AWS, GCP, and Azure. Let’s explore how JFrog cloud deployments leverage our cloud-native architecture to provide enhanced security and management capabilities for DevOps while ensuring high availability and a transparent user experience for developers.

Securing the Future: DevSecOps in Action

How can you ensure your software supply chain is resilient and ready for the challenges of tomorrow? In this exclusive session, we delved into the practical lessons of 2024 and showcased how JFrog is leading the charge in securing DevOps pipelines. In this engaging conversation between industry experts, we uncovered real-world insights, explored actionable strategies, and demonstrated innovations that safeguard your software delivery lifecycle.