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December 2024

CVE-2024-6197 Curl and Libcurl: Use-after-Free on the Stack

On July 24th 2024, Curl maintainers announced a new stack buffer Use After Free (UAF) vulnerability – CVE-2024-6197. This type of vulnerability is very uncommon since UAF issues usually occur on the heap and not on the stack. While the vulnerability can be easily exploited for causing denial of service, in this blog we will show why we believe that it is almost impossible to exploit this vulnerability to achieve remote code execution in any real-world setup.

Machine Learning Bug Bonanza - Exploiting ML Clients and "Safe" Model Formats

In our previous blog post in this series we showed how the immaturity of the Machine Learning (ML) field allowed our team to discover and disclose 22 unique software vulnerabilities in ML-related projects, and we analyzed some of these vulnerabilities that allowed attackers to exploit various ML services.