Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2021

Advancing Cybersecurity with Data Lakes

As companies generate an ever-increasing amount of data, security information and event management (SIEM) becomes increasingly challenging. Cybersecurity professionals have more to manage, and as cybercrime rises, there is less time to do so. While big data poses challenges for security teams, it also presents an opportunity. As of 2019, 52.5% of organizations worldwide have been using big data, with another 38% planning to do so in the future.

Advancing Cybersecurity with Data Lakes

Written by Devin Partida As companies generate an ever-increasing amount of data, security information and event management (SIEM) becomes increasingly challenging. Cybersecurity professionals have more to manage, and as cybercrime rises, there is less time to do so. While big data poses challenges for security teams, it also presents an opportunity. As of 2019, 52.5% of organizations worldwide have been using big data, with another 38% planning to do so in the future.

What is an Incident Response Plan and How to Create One?

Regardless of size, every company could experience a cybersecurity incident one day. Security incidents can occur in companies, public institutions, schools, etc. Cybersecurity incident actions are similar to actions to be taken in response to a security incident, for example in a school. It is an inevitable reality that your network may be exposed to an incident threat.