Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2024

Introducing Low-Latency DNS Policy with eBPF in Calico Enterprise

In Kubernetes, pods often need to securely communicate with external resources, such as internet services or APIs. Traditional Kubernetes network policies use IP addresses to identify these external resources. However, managing policies with IP addresses can be challenging because IPs often change, especially when dealing with dynamic websites or APIs.

How Kubernetes Simplifies Configuration Security

This is the second blog post in a series exploring how Kubernetes, despite its inherent complexity, provides features that simplify security efforts. Kubernetes presents an interesting paradox: while it is complex, it simplifies many aspects of deploying and managing containerized applications, including configuration security. Once you navigate its learning curve, Kubernetes unlocks powerful capabilities and tool support that make managing configuration security significantly easier.

How Calico Configuration Security Works

In today’s cloud-native ecosystems, effective configuration security is essential. Containers and Kubernetes clusters operate in dynamic environments with multiple interconnected risk vectors, making security more complex than in traditional IT environments. Misconfigurations can lead to vulnerabilities, breaches, and compliance issues, putting applications and data at risk.

How Calico Vulnerability Management Works

In the ever-evolving Kubernetes landscape, security remains a paramount concern. Ensuring that your containers are free from vulnerabilities is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of your applications. This is where Calico Vulnerability Management steps in, offering a comprehensive solution designed to keep your Kubernetes environment secure from potential threats.