Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

The SIEM vs. XDR debate: industry perspectives

How many times can we say, “It’s been a busy week for the security industry,” before it becomes cliche? We recently discussed changes in the SIEM market, with mergers and acquisitions disrupting the traditional SIEM vendor landscape and XDR vendors introducing new SIEM solutions. This week, we continue to see a range of mixed messages from the market around the future of XDR and SIEM.

Securing open source infrastructure - Log all the things

The last time we wrote about open source software (OSS) for security, we explored how community-driven innovation addresses security problems stemming from the rapid pace of business-driven technological advancements. We posed the question: Can open source security solutions adequately secure and protect the OSS that modern businesses depend on?