Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

The Power of Security Orchestration and Automation

In today’s digital landscape, cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated. Attackers are finding new ways to breach security defenses and exploit vulnerabilities. As technology advances, so do the tactics and techniques used by cybercriminals. Gone are the days when simple antivirus software and firewalls were enough to protect against cyber threats.

From Legacy Systems to IoT: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Evolving Threats

The explosive growth in connectivity and the geopolitical environment is putting critical infrastructure around the world at risk. Connecting legacy industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that critical infrastructure runs on to IT environments, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and out to the Internet makes it easier for cybercriminals and state-sponsored groups to gain access to systems and conduct malicious activities.

From Ransomware to Resilience: Securing Government Agencies Worldwide

Government agencies worldwide are entrusted with safeguarding sensitive data and facilitating seamless operations across various critical infrastructure sectors. However, this pivotal role puts them in threat actors’ sights – from cybercriminals to politically motivated entities to state-sponsored actors from other parts of the world.

Uncover the Power of ThreatQ Platform: A Comprehensive Analysis

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, organizations face a growing number of sophisticated threats. To stay ahead, they must leverage advanced threat intelligence solutions that allow organizations to not only provide comprehensive insights but also empower them to act swiftly and decisively against a wide variety of threats and vulnerabilities. Enter ThreatQuotient, a leading player in the digital threat intelligence management space.

Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats This Summer

Summertime often means vacation time—a chance to rest, relax, and dive into some good reading. But for those of us in cybersecurity, truly disconnecting can be a challenge. It’s crucial to stay updated on the latest news and developments within the industry. To help you keep up, we’ve compiled a list of “must-read” cybersecurity content to add to your summer reading list. Here are our top picks for the first half of 2024, complete with a brief summary of each.

Useful questions to navigate the TIP vendor landscape

In today’s escalating threat landscape, Security Operations Center (SOC) teams face a constant cat and mouse battle against adversaries as they try to stay one step ahead. This situation isn’t helped by the fragmented tools; multiple data feeds and data siloes they must contend with. Likewise, with so many security vendors out there with different approaches and solutions, how do they know what cybersecurity solutions they should be investing in?