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May 2024

Building for Cyber Resilience in the Manufacturing Industry

For the third year in a row, manufacturing was the most attacked industry according to IBM X-Force incident response data. Phishing was the top initial infection vector, used in 39% of incidents, and malware was deployed in 45% of attacks. In 2023 alone, manufacturing organizations in the semiconductor, building, automotive, industrial controls systems, boating and consumer packaged goods industries suffered significant attacks.
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Useful Questions To Navigate the TIP Vendor Landscape

In today's escalating threat landscape, Security Operations Center (SOC) teams face a constant cat and mouse battle against adversaries as they try to stay one step ahead. This situation isn't helped by the fragmented tools; multiple data feeds and data siloes they must contend with. Likewise, with so many security vendors out there with different approaches and solutions, how do they know what cybersecurity solutions they should be investing in?

Accelerating Cybersecurity in the Transportation Industry

The transportation industry is not only part of critical infrastructure, but at the nexus of other critical infrastructure sectors that rely on transportation systems to operate reliably. When threat actors put this fundamental function at risk, there’s a ripple effect that disrupts individuals, businesses, government and supply chains.

Selecting the Optimal Threat Intelligence Platform in 5 Steps

To use threat intelligence and data more productively, many organizations are investing in a threat intelligence platform (TIP). Selecting a TIP is important as it will serve as the foundation for your entire security operations program, allowing you to understand and act upon the highest priority threats you face, while enabling you to get more from your existing resources — technology and people. However, amidst a plethora of options, selecting the right TIP can be daunting.

Unlocking the Art of Possible: Exploring the ThreatQ Community

In cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats requires not only cutting-edge technology but also a collaborative community of experts. The Art of Possible isn’t just a concept; it’s a mindset that drives innovation, fosters collaboration, and empowers defenders to proactively address emerging threats. At the heart of this philosophy lies the ThreatQ Community, a dynamic ecosystem where security professionals unite to share knowledge, strategies, and best practices.