Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

Preventing SQL injection in C# with Entity Framework

SQL injection (SQLi) is one of the most severe security vulnerabilities in web applications. It occurs when an attacker is able to manipulate the SQL queries executed by an application by injecting malicious SQL code into user input fields. SQLi can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data, data corruption, or even complete control over the database server.

GitHub Copilot Makes You Vulnerable

Did you know that GitHub Copilot may suggest insecure code if your existing codebase contains security issues? While giving AI tools better examples to learn from can improve their behavior, it doesn't guarantee protection or guardrails against security vulnerabilities. Today, we are taking a look at how AI tools, such as Copilot, can be unsafe and what you can do to keep your projects secure. Resources.

Repo Jacking: The Great Source-code Swindle

In this post, we explore a powerful, yet widely unknown attack vector which has emerged in the last couple of years known as ‘Repo Jacking’. During our research, we discovered the enormous potential to compromise software components with tens of millions of downloads across the Terraform IaC (Infrastructure as Code) and Composer (PHP package registry) ecosystems. Despite its power, Repo Jacking remains under-researched and frequently misunderstood.

4 Hidden AI Coding Risks and How to Address Them

96% of developers and security professionals out there are using AI coding tools today like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot. But they are forgetting one thing. Is that generated code safe and secure? Today, we're taking a look at four hidden risks of AI-generated code and how you can protect your projects from these pitfalls.

How to setup Deno Dev Container on GitHub Codespaces?

If you’ve been searching for guides and tutorials on getting started with Deno web development in a cloud IDE such as GitHub Codespaces, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we will be exploring the world of Deno, GitHub Codespaces, and Dev Containers, providing you with the knowledge you need to set up your development environment effectively and efficiently in the cloud.

10 Dimensions of Python Static Analysis

Python static analysis, also known as "linting", is a crucial aspect of software development. It involves inspecting your Python code without running it to identify potential bugs, programming errors, stylistic issues, or non-adhering patterns to predefined coding standards. It also helps identify vulnerabilities early in the development process, reducing the chances of deploying insecure code into production.

Suspicious Maintainer Unveils Threads of npm Supply Chain Attack

This story starts when Sébastien Lorber, maintainer of Docusaurus, the React-based open-source documentation project, notices a Pull Request change to the package manifest. Here’s the change proposed to the popular cliui npm package: Specifically, drawing our attention to the npm dependencies change that use an unfamiliar syntax: Most developers would expect to see a semver version range in the value of a package or perhaps a Git or file-based URL.

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Open Source Packages

Struggling to find the right open source package for your project? don't worry! After watching this video, you'll have a foolproof way to evaluate and choose the best ones with ease! Resources Chapters About Snyk Snyk helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your code, open-source dependencies, containers, infrastructure-as-code, software pipelines, IDEs, and more! Move fast, stay secure.

Best Practices for Supply Chain Security in Response to Attack

Watch the full video for more... About Snyk Snyk helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your code, open-source dependencies, containers, infrastructure-as-code, software pipelines, IDEs, and more! Move fast, stay secure. Connect with Us Hashtags.

How to secure an S3 bucket on AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) has become a cornerstone in the world of cloud storage. It offers scalability, high availability, and performance, making it a go-to choice for businesses of all sizes. However, as with any cloud service, security is paramount. This is where the question of "how to secure an S3 bucket" comes into play. Securing your S3 buckets is not just about protecting your data from unauthorized access.

A stepping stone towards holistic application risk and compliance management of the Digital Operational Resiliency Act (DORA)

In today's increasingly digital world, where businesses rely heavily on technology for core operations, the European Union's Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) establishes a comprehensive framework to manage Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related risks and ensure business continuity for financial institutions and critical service providers.

Going beyond "shift left" to extend AppSec in all directions

A week before RSA 2024, Forrester predicted which subjects and themes would come to the forefront of the conference. They emphasized that we’d see a focus on proactive security, defined as “a strategic approach to controlling security posture and reducing breaches through strong visibility, prioritization, and remediation.” I went into the conference with this prediction in mind. However, I was surprised by what I found.

Uncovering the Supply Chain Attack

In this video, we will be uncovering how a sneaky supply chain attack on the JavaScript service compromised websites across the globe, including big names like Intuit, Square, the U.S. government and more. Stay tuned to find out how the attack occurred and what you can do to prevent it!