Delivering Security on Your Terms: An Intro to Self-Hosted

Delivering Security on Your Terms: An Intro to Self-Hosted

Join us for a comprehensive webinar on self-hosted solutions, featuring industry experts Romain Jouhannet from GitGuardian, Adrian Mouat from Chainguard and Chuck D'Antonio from Replicated.

The discussion will delve into:

Challenges of On-Prem Deployments: We will explore the complexities and distribution challenges associated with on-prem solutions.
Secure & Scalable On-Prem Experiences: We'll discuss how to deliver robust and scalable on-prem deployments, addressing the intricacies involved.
Integration of SaaS and On-Prem: Can these environments coexist and benefit each other? The session will cover best practices from on-prem development that can enhance SaaS offerings.
This session is ideal for organizations prioritizing robust data security and privacy in their operations.