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April 2024

Why API sprawl is important and what you can do to mitigate it

Digital transformation has resulted into an API-first economy where every organization is integrating deeper with customers, partners & suppliers. APIs are the gateways powering this integration. As per a Kong report in 2023, APIs will have a projected global economic impact of $14.2 trillion by 2027 – that’s more than the GDP of the UK, Japan, France, and Australia combined. As APIs drive growth, every organization will need to implement robust security systems in place for their APIs.

Deep dive on PCI DSS 4.0 API Security Requirements

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Council created PCI DSS as the global standard for protecting payment data. The PCI DSS is the compliance stick to which entities that transmit, store, handle, or accept credit card data of any size must adhere. Recently, PCI DSS came up with version 4.0. In this blog, we delve deeper into the new version and explain why securing APIs is critical for PCI DSS compliance and how organizations can do so.

How AppSentinels aligns with Gartner API Security Recommendations

The Gartner research paper “What You Need to Do to Protect Your APIs” outlines key requirements for bolstering API security measures. In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into these requirements as introduced by Gartner, explain their significance, and demonstrate how AppSentinels offers comprehensive solutions for each requirement. As per Gartner, the second step is to assess the security of these APIs.