Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2024

Zero Standing Privileges: Minimizing Attack Surfaces in Organizations

Restricting access to critical data and systems is the backbone of strong organizational cybersecurity. Zero standing privileges (ZSP) is an access management strategy that helps organizations limit access to resources as much as possible in order to minimize cybersecurity risks. In this article, we’ll explore the elements of a ZSP strategy, explain the risks related to standing privileges, and examine how to implement ZSP in your organization.

Complete Checklist to User Access Reviews: Best Practices and Essential Steps

Imagine a former employee still being able to access your network or current employees wielding permissions far beyond their roles. Both scenarios sound risky, right? Excessive permissions aren’t just a minor oversight — they’re significant vulnerabilities that could lead to costly data breaches, regulatory penalties, and other problematic consequences.

Remote Employee Monitoring: How to Make Remote Work Effective and Secure

Remote and hybrid work models have transformed how organizations operate, offering flexibility, cost efficiency, and other benefits. However, this shift also introduces challenges, particularly in securing sensitive data against breaches and maintaining employee productivity. Remote employee monitoring has emerged as a vital solution to address these concerns. In this article, we will explore the risks of remote work and how to manage these risks with actionable practices.