Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2022

How to protect your sensitive data with automatic classification and labeling

This is a data-driven era. Every day tons of data are generated and it is a herculean task to manually provide security to all the data that is produced. Large enterprises generate huge amounts of data that are maintained by ERP systems like SAP. Transactions with third-party vendors and partners happen almost every day with lots of data being exchanged.

How HALOCAD Reader helps to combat digital security threats in CAD file collaboration

All companies are moving towards a digital landscape. Developments in the design and manufacturing industry have expanded the innovation of p roducts as digital collaborations are increasingly enabled from concept generation to product realization and after-market. These collaborations expand beyond the enterprise and national boundaries, leading to growing concern about the security of their sensitive information such as Intellectual Property (IP) and trade secrets.