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January 2020

Reducing Cyber Risk With AI and User Behavior Analytics

At the end of 2019, Security Intelligence released a report on trends that should influence your security planning for 2020. Near the top of the list was the need for visibility, alignment, and analytics when it comes to cybersecurity. Leaders are coming to terms with the idea that being able to see, understand, and have reliable records of what users are doing with their corporate assets can provide valuable insights when trying to reduce cybersecurity risks within your organization.

Cyber Security Trends in the Energy Sector

Each day, we depend on energy for almost every kind of activity imaginable. Energy is required to keep lights on, enable transportation around the world, allow hospitals to operate, power the internet, and much more. Also termed the Oil and Gas sector, it’s considered a critical infrastructure sector by most nations around the world. This is because a loss of energy can cause a debilitating impact on the quality of human life.