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November 2024

Evolution of Scalper Bots Part 6: The Hidden Economy of Scalper Bot Licenses

Welcome back to The Evolution of Scalper Bots series. In our previous blog, we analyzed the rise of professional scalper bot ecosystems. This included cook groups, bots-as-a-service platforms, and retail scalping’s emergence. As technical advancements drove fierce competition, we unraveled the complex dynamics of this controversial industry.

Ask the Experts: Black Friday Bot Attacks

As Black Friday approaches, retailers are gearing up for the inevitable surge in online traffic. But cybercriminals are also preparing for this high-stakes season, fine-tuning their bot attack strategies to exploit inventory, pricing, and customer accounts. To shed light on these threats and what retailers can do to prepare, we consulted five experts from Netacea who shared their insights on the bot attack landscape during Black Friday and beyond.

Evolution of Scalper Bots Part 5: The Rise of Retail Scalping

Welcome back to our Evolution of Scalper Bots series from the Netacea Threat Intel Center. In our previous blog, we reviewed the early days of anti-bot legislation and its limitations, especially around ticket scalping. Traditional defenses like CAPTCHA quickly became insufficient, which spurred the development of bot management solutions.

How Bot Expertise Stopped the Google Translate Bot Proxy Technique

Bot attacks are evolving to become more sophisticated. Attackers have built businesses around the data and assets they extract with bots, so they constantly seek ways to bypass defenses. Developers work tirelessly to assess bot defenses and find new methods to evade them. Traditional, client-side defenses are visible to attackers, making it easier for them to bypass. But even advanced defenses must stay alert, embedding bot expertise to keep pace with these evolving tactics.