Your stakeholders have signed off on an application security program, you’ve selected a vendor … but now what? There is no detailed handbook or instruction manual for getting started because every organization is different. You need to formulate your own plan to make sure the program meets the individual needs of your organization.
If there’s one thing you need to value as you move through your career as a modern software developer, it’s the importance of security. With application layers increasing and the shift left movement bringing security into the picture earlier on the development process, security should be top of mind for every developer working to write and compile successful code.
For healthcare organizations that handle a lot of patient data, including very sensitive information, cloud computing is a revolution to data storage. Cloud computing in healthcare lowers data storage costs (compared to the old paper-storage era), enables easy retrieval of patient data and also improves the privacy of patient information. This has inevitably led to a rise in the adoption of cloud computing in healthcare.
Detection engineering at Elastic is both a set of reliable principles — or methodologies — and a collection of effective tools. In this series, we’ll share some of the foundational concepts that we’ve discovered over time to deliver resilient detection logic. In this blog post, we will share a concept we call stateful detection and explain why it's important for detection.
Today we are pleased to announce new traffic management features for Elastic Cloud. Now you can configure IP filtering within your Elastic Cloud deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. We are also announcing integration with AWS PrivateLink. These features help give you greater control over the network security layer of your Elastic workloads.
In an evolving world, the modernization of the security operations center (SOC) is pivotal to the success of digital transformation initiatives. Security teams, however, are facing a shortage of cybersecurity professionals and struggling to detect and prioritize high-priority threats. Analysts in data-driven organizations can combat these issues by bringing people, process and technology together.
Making the transition to a work from home arrangement has been a heavy lift for a lot of organizations. However, due to various risk factors and regulations, making the sudden shift to working from home has been more complicated for some sectors than others. Industries such as the financial and healthcare sectors, as well as those working for the government, face tighter restrictions on how they are allowed to work remotely.
If you want confidence that your organization is meeting its core business goals, you need internal audits. If you want to save your organization time and money and keep everything running like a well-oiled machine, internal audits will help you get there. If you want to protect your enterprise against fraud and prevent fraudulent practices, internal audits are key.