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Devoxx4Kids: Empowering young Java developers and creating future industry stars

Recently, we released the JVM Ecosystem Report 2021. This annual report is full of interesting facts about the current state of the Java ecosystem. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should give it a read. Don’t forget to download the full PDF for all the insightful information.

Getting started with Snyk for secure Java development

If you’re a Java developer that wants to develop your applications more securely, you’ve come to the right place. Snyk can help you with that mission. This article will explain how to begin with Snyk for secure Java development so you can be more secure from the get-go. If you’re new to Snyk, it’s important to know that we offer a variety of developer-focused products and tools. Some of these tools, like our CLI and some IDE integration, support multiple products.

Snyk Maven plugin: Integrated security vulnerability scanning for developers

Maven is the most commonly used build system in the Java ecosystem, and it has been for many years. Building your application with Maven is easy since it takes care of many things for you. In different phases of the Maven lifecycle, it handles things like: With Maven, the development lifecycle happens the same way on every machine for every developer on the team, as well as within the CI pipeline.

How to fix Java security issues while coding in IntelliJ IDEA

Nowadays, developers are responsible for more than just creating the application. Besides working on features, developers have to focus on their applications’ maintainability, scalability, reliability, and security. Many developers are unsure of where to start with security. In addition, most companies still work with a dedicated security team instead of having security expertise inside the team. A lot of developers practically live in their integrated development environment (IDE).

Password Storage Using Java

This is the eighth entry in the blog series on using Java Cryptography securely. The first few entries talked about architectural details, Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generators, encryption/decryption, and message digests. Later we looked at What’s New in the latest Java version. All of this equipped us to talk in detail about some of the most common Cryptographic applications. We started by looking at the symmetric cryptography-based application with Message Authentication Code.

Preventing YAML parsing vulnerabilities with snakeyaml in Java

YAML is a human-readable language to serialize data that’s commonly used for config files. The word YAML is an acronym for “YAML ain’t a markup language” and was first released in 2001. You can compare YAML to JSON or XML as all of them are text-based structured formats. While similar to those languages, YAML is designed to be more readable than JSON and less verbose than XML.

Solving Java security issues in my Spring MVC application

The Spring MVC framework is a well-known Java framework to build interactive web applications. It implements the Model-View-Controller architecture pattern to separate the different aspects of your application. Separating the different logic elements like representation logic, input logic, and business logic is generally considered good architectural practice.

Java configuration: how to prevent security misconfigurations

Java configuration is everywhere. With all the application frameworks that the Java ecosystem has, proper configuration is something that is overlooked easily. However, thinking about Java configuration can also end up in a security issue if it is done in the wrong way. We call this misconfiguration. Security misconfiguration is part of the infamous OWASP top 10 vulnerability list and has a prominent spot on place 6.

Message Authentication Code (MAC) Using Java

This is the seventh entry in this blog series on using Java Cryptography securely. Starting from the basics we began diving deeper into various basic cryptographic primitives such as Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator, symmetric & asymmetric encryption/decryption & hashes. After taking a brief interval, we caught-up with cryptographic updates in the latest Java version. Skip to the TL; DR