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What Is Linux Identity and Access Management?

Identity and access management (IAM) provides a consistent, centralized solution to manage user identities and automate access control throughout the organization. This helps security leaders introduce role-based access control and meet governance, risk, and compliance goals. Your organization may already have centralized management policies in place. For example, requiring employees to use a VPN when accessing company assets remotely shows an IAM solution in action.

Step by Step Migration Guide: AKS Clusters to Azure Linux Using CloudCasa

CloudCasa by Catalogic can be installed on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters using Ubuntu and perform migrations to Azure Linux as the host operating system. The Azure Linux container host for AKS is a lightweight, secure, and reliable OS platform optimized for performance on Azure.

Linux kernel security tunables everyone should consider adopting

The Linux kernel is the heart of many modern production systems. It decides when any code is allowed to run and which programs/users can access which resources. It manages memory, mediates access to hardware, and does a bulk of work under the hood on behalf of programs running on top.