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CI/CD and the Promise of Agile Transformation

Continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), promises to help deliver software faster and more reliably. It does this by pushing frequent updates and fixes regardless of size and using automation tools to help the process run smoothly. According to Gartner, CI/CD is the most common agile practice currently being adopted by organizations. So how does CI/CD work and why is it critical for DevOps teams?

How CI/CD-Integrated Fuzzing Improves Automotive Software Security

As vehicles are becoming increasingly dependent on software, automotive software teams are adopting CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous deployment/delivery). This enables them to build, test, and deploy code faster than ever while simultaneously reducing potential maintenance costs. In automotive projects, functional and security bugs can be highly consequential, especially if they are found in the later stages of software development or, even worse, after shipping.

How to Bake Security into your CI/CD Pipeline

According to IBM Security's "The Cost of a Data Breach Report", the global cost of data breaches in 2022 increased by 2.6% compared to previous year, reaching $4.35 million. The source code of major companies like Nvidia, Microsoft, Uber, Slack, Toyota was leaked, often caused by usage of hardcoded secrets (you can see more details in the infographics below). In those cases, lateral movements were compromising software supply chain security. In their report Gartner claims about 45% of companies should expect to become targets of supply chain attacks by 2025.

Securing your Jenkins CI/CD Container Pipeline with CrowdStrike

In any software development cycle, it is best practice to catch issues as early as possible since it both improves security and decreases the workload for both developers and security. In order to do this, CrowdStrike offers solutions for developers at build time that allow them to assess their Docker container images and review summarized report data integrated with their favorite CI/CD tools like Jenkins.

Securing your Jenkins CI/CD Container Pipeline with CrowdStrike

In any software development cycle, it is best practice to catch issues as early as possible since it both improves security and decreases the workload for both developers and security. In order to do this, CrowdStrike offers solutions for developers at build time that allow them to assess their Docker container images and review summarized report data integrated with their favorite CI/CD tools like Jenkins.

Automating web security testing within your DevOps pipelines

Seeker IAST helps organizations achieve continuous testing without creating friction in DevOps pipelines. In traditional security, developers run tests for code security and operators ensure that firewalls and other protections work in the production environment. Access control and other tasks are handled by security experts and managers. DevSecOps uses version control and CI/CD pipelines to configure and manage security tasks automatically, across all teams, before deployment.

Customer Office Hours: CI/CD Best Practices

Learn tips and tricks on how to implement, troubleshoot and scale deployments. For example, should you scan in the CICD or in SCM? What implementation methods should you use - plugin, npm, binary…? We will cover this and more. Host: Sebastian Roth, Senior Solutions Engineer Seb brings his expertise as a Principal Software Engineer & Team Lead for over 17 years into the DevSecOps community, where he now focuses on process improvements and shares best-practices to improve security posture.