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BazarLoader: Using LoLBins through Office Documents to Deliver Payloads

Malicious Microsoft Office documents are a popular vehicle for malware distribution. Many malware families such as Emotet, IcedID, and Dridex abuse Office documents as their primary distribution mechanism. Attackers have long used phishing emails with malicious Microsoft Office documents, often hosted in popular cloud apps like Box and Amazon S3 to increase the chances of a successful lure. The techniques being used with Office documents are continuing to evolve.

Do We Still Need a Bastion?

There is a growing discussion among network engineers, DevOps teams, and security professionals about the security benefits of bastions. Many assume that they are the “old way” of network access and have little relevance in the modern cloud native stack. These speculations are not irrelevant as in recent years, the corporate IT network perimeter as we knew it is diminishing, and the concept has been shifted to data, identity, and compute perimeter.

Lookout is Collaborating With the U.S. Government on a New Vision for Zero Trust

In early 2020, almost every government agency embraced telework in response to the pandemic. With telework, employees operate outside the security perimeter that was put in place to protect them and the agency’s data. As a result, telework has had significant cybersecurity ramifications. Lookout has a long history of collaborating with the public sector to secure agency employees.

CIS Control 5: Account Management

Knowing who has credentials, how those credentials are granted, and how they are being used is the foundation of any secure environment. It begins with user accounts and the credentials they use. Maintaining a thorough inventory of all accounts and verifying any changes to those accounts as authorized and intentional vs unintended is paramount to establishing a secure environment and this includes service accounts.

Why securing internet-facing applications is challenging in a Kubernetes environment

Internet-facing applications are some of the most targeted workloads by threat actors. Securing this type of application is a must in order to protect your network, but this task is more complex in Kubernetes than in traditional environments, and it poses some challenges. Not only are threats magnified in a Kubernetes environment, but internet-facing applications in Kubernetes are also more vulnerable than their counterparts in traditional environments.

How SECUDE's HALOCORE complements Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance for securing sensitive SAP data

The new normal of working remotely calls for solutions that are seamless, flexible, and secure. Most enterprises believe that they are well-equipped to address the evolving cybersecurity threats. However, when employees connect through a myriad of devices, most of the time the security is highly questionable. This is because either they do not use secure devices or lack critical security updates. With cyberattacks becoming highly sophisticated, a host of security challenges awaits for the enterprise!

Why-and How-Managed Service Providers Need to Evolve

As a managed service provider, you can never sit still. Change is constant, whether it’s the technology, business needs, or clients’ expectations. And while MSPs are accustomed to the churn, this time it’s different. Businesses are digitizing their assets and moving to the cloud, governments continue to layer on more data regulations, security threats are on the rise, and the pandemic has turned traditional office culture on its head.

Credential leaks are growing on the dark web

Credential leakage on the dark web is constantly growing, which reveals a painful reality: a significant proportion of organizations still don’t protect employee data properly. A report published by Arctic Wolf highlights that the number of corporate passwords that have been leaked to the dark web has shot up by 429% since last March. Thus, on average and for each organization, up to 17 credentials (including username and password) are available on the dark web.

Cybriant Named to MSSP Alert's Top 250 MSSPs List for 2021

MSSP Alert, published by After Nines Inc., has named Cybriant, a leader in cybersecurity services, to the Top 250 MSSPs list for 2021. The list and research identify and honor the top MSSPs, managed detection and response (MDR), and Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS) providers worldwide.

Through edtech, society's cybersecurity ability is heading up a notch

Edtech is helping to provide children and adults all over the world with new and updated skills and knowledge. One important area it’s helping with is cybersecurity. A recent report by Forbes gave the opinion that edtech would provide the perfect backdrop for cybersecurity learning, and it's easy to see why.