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What is advanced persistent threat? Explaining APT security

As the threat landscape evolves faster than we can keep up with, organizations must be aware of the type of threats they may face. Certain threat types, like ransomware and malware, are more prominent and therefore must be fought with the appropriate resources. On the other hand, some threat types are not prevalent and pose significantly less risk. However, just because a specific threat isn’t as widespread does not mean we shouldn’t take it seriously.

Join Snyk in celebrating 31 days of Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021

Today’s the first day of October as well as the first day of the 18th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The purpose of Cybersecurity Awareness Month is not only to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity, but also to inspire people to improve their cybersecurity posture: whether that be through implementing multi-factor authentication, not clicking that suspicious email attachment, or even writing code more securely by utilizing a tool like Snyk. =)

A Simplified Regulatory Checklist for Healthcare Organizations

The healthcare industry is a veritable honeypot for cybercrime, replete with vast amounts of sensitive digital information that expands in number and scope daily, including personal medical data and payment card details. This data is increasingly attractive to hackers, particularly those using ransomware to lock out organizations and hold onto sensitive information until the organization pays up.

Weekly Cyber Security News 01/10/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. At long last, someone is taking fraud seriously enough to provide a phone number at the same level as emergency services. OK, this is only a trial project but it is still encouraging move.

Low Latency Identity-aware Access Proxy in Multiple Regions

A multi-protocol access proxy is a powerful concept for securing access to infrastructure. But accessing numerous computing resources distributed across the globe via a single endpoint presents a latency challenge. Today we are announcing that the hosted edition of Teleport Access Plane is now available in 5 regions all over the world.

What is a Proxy Server? How it Works and Critical Risks in 2021

A proxy server is an intermediary server that retrieves data from an Internet source, such as a webpage, on behalf of a user. Proxy servers have many different uses, depending on their configuration and type. Common uses include facilitating anonymous Internet browsing, bypassing geo-blocking, and regulating web requests. Like any device connected over the Internet, proxies have associated cybersecurity risks that users should consider before use.

Cybersecurity in Higher Education: Understanding the Threats & Adopting A Zero Trust Approach

While there’s no real way to prevent them all, understanding vulnerabilities, common types of cyberattacks and how to prevent them can help college and university leaders prioritize their security strategies to help keep institutional data and students safe.

Video Blog: How UKG Pro Helps with Open Enrollment and Year End

Through UKG Pro, NeoSystems provides Payroll Administration and Tax Management, Compliance, Benefits Management, Open Enrollment, Recruiting, and On-Boarding as well as property, skills, and certification tracking – all through a cloud-based manager & employee self-service platform.