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3 Ways to Reduce Your Security Operations Centre Costs

A typical security operations centre (SOC) has three core costs: People, data and tools. The total cost of these will vary dramatically based on factors like how many endpoints and users are in your environment and the number of SOC team members you need. Various SOC cost calculators available online put the cost of building a SOC for a 1000-user environment at upwards of £2 million per annum.

The Price of Convenience: How Security Vulnerabilities in Global Transportation Payment Systems Can Cost You

Public transportation payment systems have undergone significant changes over the years. Mobile payment solutions have become increasingly popular, allowing passengers to pay for their fare using smartphones or other mobile devices. This trend is likely to continue in the years to come. But how secure are mobile payment solutions for public transportation?

Creating a better internet at IETF117

The other week in San Francisco at IETF117, a group of developers and subject matter experts gathered to do just that. The IETF mission is: “To make the internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the internet.” This standards body is quite unique – anyone with the right passion can join. Believe it or not, humming is a measure of consensus.

CVE-2023-39143: Critical Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in PaperCut Print Management Server

On August 4, 2023, security researchers published a blog detailing a critical remote code (RCE) vulnerability in PaperCut NG/MF print management servers (CVE-2023-39143: CVSS 8.4). CVE-2023-39143 could allow unauthenticated threat actors to read, delete, and upload arbitrary files on compromised systems, which results in RCE. Additionally, this vulnerability does not require user interaction.

Evasive Phishing Campaign Steals Cloud Credentials Using Cloudflare R2 and Turnstile

From February to July 2023, Netskope Threat Labs has been tracking a staggering 61-fold increase in traffic to phishing pages hosted in Cloudflare R2. The majority of the phishing campaigns target Microsoft login credentials, although there are some pages targeting Adobe, Dropbox, and other cloud apps. The attacks have been targeting victims mainly in North America and Asia, across different segments, led by the technology, financial services, and banking sectors.

Secure Java URL encoding and decoding

URL encoding is a method that ensures your URL only contains valid characters so that the receiving server can correctly interpret it. According to the RFC 3986 standard, URIs (which are a superset of URLs) only contain a limited set of characters consisting of digits, letters, and a few graphic symbols, all within the ASCII character set. If a URL contains characters outside this limited set, the characters must be percent-encoded.

SAML vs OIDC for Password Manager SSO Integration

Single Sign On (SSO) helps organizations improve their security posture while streamlining the employee login experience. Implementing an SSO platform across your organization is almost always a good idea. However, SSO leaves significant security and functionality gaps that organizations need to be aware of and address. SSO doesn’t cover everything. Many websites, applications, and systems are not included in SSO deployments, and each of those presents a cybersecurity risk.

How To Tell if Someone Hacked Your Router

You can tell if someone has hacked your router if you notice that you can’t log into your router’s admin settings, your browser keeps redirecting you or you receive suspicious activity alerts from your internet service provider, among other signs. Continue reading to learn how someone can hack your router and how you can protect your router from getting hacked going forward.