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How to revoke access for unwanted guests in Azure Active Directory

Do your house guests still have access to your home after they’ve left, or overstayed their welcome? No, right? You would throw them out or take the keys back because they no longer require access. Guests in Azure are like house guests. Once they no longer need access, it's then time to take back the key so they no longer have access to the company's data and connected apps. Yet many organizations are inadvertently leaving themselves at risk of supply chain attacks.

Why Digital Security is More Important Than Ever: Expert Tips to Stay Safe Online

With our reliance on digital technologies for communication, commerce, and everyday tasks, the risk of cyber threats has surged. This article serves as a guide to help you comprehend the urgency of prioritizing digital security. We will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the digital world safely by examining cybersecurity and online threats and offering expert tips.

Why Should SecOps Pay More Attention to Network Data?

Trying to convince SecOps teams they need more data is like trying to convince a drowning person they need more water. SecOps teams are so overwhelmed they can’t even respond to 67% of the alerts they receive. On average, SecOps teams receive 4,484 alerts per day and spend over three hours per day manually triaging the alerts, costing $3.3 billion annually in the US alone.

How Software Supply Chain Attacks Work, and How to Assess Your Software Supply Chain Security

When it comes to applications and software, the key word is ‘more.’ Driven by the needs of a digital economy, businesses depend more and more on applications for everything from simplifying business operations to creating innovative new revenue opportunities. Cloud-native application development adds even more fuel to the fire. However, that word works both ways: Those applications are often more complex and use open-source code that contains more vulnerabilities than ever before.

4 Business Advantages of the Cloud for Financial Services

Financial institutions, banks, accounting firms, credit unions, and hedge funds may struggle to stay compliant and protect themselves from cyberattacks’ rising frequency. While data security may be top of mind for financial organization teams, they can gain peace of mind and set themselves up for long-term growth by partnering with a managed cloud services provider.

The Role of HR in Managing Employees' Crypto Challenges

Remember when cryptocurrencies were this unconventional trend? Fast forward to today, and we're looking at a much more mainstream form of finance. No stone has been left unturned by the impact of cryptocurrency. They're even offered as part of the benefits packages for employees. And since they're up for it, who better than HR to guide them through the potential challenges?

What is Cybersecurity Risk and How Can You Manage It?

In the world of risk management, risk is commonly defined as threat times vulnerability times consequence. The objective of risk management is to mitigate vulnerabilities to threats and the potential consequences, thereby reducing risk to an acceptable level. When applied to cybersecurity risk, this equation provides a great deal of insight on steps organizations can take to mitigate risk.